The Matthäi Declaration of fundamental values

Guidelines for
responsible action

As a faithful partner to its customers, the Matthäi group of companies sees itself in a position of special responsibility. Our employees practice this responsibility in their daily work - which reflects the quality standards that the company upholds, in their day-to-day dealings with customers and partners, and in implementing company values that have always been intrinsic to the Matthäi organisation right from the start. These concepts are expressed in the Matthäi Declaration of Fundamental Values; both the group as a whole and every single employee undertakes to uphold and promote these values.

The Matthäi Declaration of Fundamental Values:

Behaviour towards business partners:

Upholding fair competition; procuring and issuing orders for the mutual benefit of the business partner and our own company; transparency of information relating to business relations and practices; honesty, transparency and fairness in compiling offers and invoices; freedom from error, punctuality and respectful treatment of other people's property

Legal compliance and integrity:

Zero tolerance of any type of unlawful activity; confidential treatment of information concerning the company and its business partners

Gifts, hospitality and donations:

Acting with a sense of proportion; zero tolerance of acceptance of payments or gifts for the purpose of gaining personal or business advantage.

Employee undertaking:

Employee safety and health; social responsibility; respect for human dignity; zero tolerance of alcohol and drugs; responsibility for nature and the environment.

Value management:

Ongoing examination and development of the Declaration of Fundamental Values for the purposes of improvement and prevention; openly available and constantly updated documentation of Declaration of Fundamental Values

The detailed and exact wording of the Declaration of Fundamental Values is available for free download for both internal and external use.
